Monday, December 18, 2006


Yes, the season to be jolly is just around the corner.... and with it comes the season of much baking.

For some crazy reason, I did it again!
Yep, little spicy men did fill up the kitchen over the weekend. It took me a while to get back into the swing of things this year, but I did manage to make a good little pile of the men to give away to clients and friends. I have a box full to be sent down south to the friends who write to say they are missing the baking fiascos. :)

I'm still in limbo status... wondering what it would be like to actually unpack and get my own computer out again. Probably not such a bad thing to not have the time, space or computer available to sit here for ages. Although I really have missed catching up on what's been going on with so many wonderful people.

Bring on the new year when I will have to decide should I stay or should I go?

I don't mean that in a bad way... more of an... let the adventures begin.

Exciting stuff!

Anyway... wanted to say HI.... to let you know that I am thinking of you, and just in case this doesn't happen again....until the new year that is;

A very merry Christmas to you all. Praying that you would have one filled with love, peace and blessings. And that you would have time to stop and reflect on all that this holiday is about.

Peace and joy.



mreddie said...

Here's hoping that none of your gingerbread men break an arm or leg and that you have the best Christmas ever. Good to hear from you again. ec

Anonymous said...

Peace and Joy to you as well. Mmmmmm little spicy men. Yum!

Merry Christmas!!!

Anonymous said...

Ho HO Ho hav you been a good girl CJ.