Wednesday, November 09, 2005

not mine....

My hayfever is going to drive me insane. I can't stop the tears from streaming down my face. Now, when I wipe the tears away, it actually hurts - so I let them run down my cheeks, and can't actually be bothered caring about what the strangers think. It's kind of fitting for the mood.


Tonight I'm going to cheat. Yep... using someone elses words instead.

Hoping that the sun will shine warmly on your face today.

High Country Weather

Alone we are born
And die alone;
Yet see the red-gold cirrus
Over the snow-mountain shine

Upon the upland road
Ride easy, stranger:
Surrender to the sky
Your heart of anger.

~ James K. Baxter


Jenny said...

Beautiful words and picture!

**hugs** and prayers that the hayfever subsides quickly

Neo said...

UUTW - Hope you're feeling better!

Susanna Rose said...

What is the picture of? It's so, so beautiful! Also, I like your "hoping the sun will shine warly on your face." I love the Irish blessing too! May God hold you in the palm of His hand and make you feel better soon!(=

Using up the words.... said...

Jay ~ Thanks... yes, feeling much better today. Have to say, this is where I have to relent and find some pills. It's just not good when one is working with tears of mascara running down ones face.

Neo ~ Box of fluffy ducks... really. :) You behaving, and how is that computer of yours?

Susanna ~ The pictures... I have a thing for the Port Hills, and often head up just before sunset. It's always where you will find me every Saturday morning. Anyway - the view is of the Southern Alps with the sun setting.
The Irish blessing is certainly a favourite for me... was one that a friend prayed for me before I jumped on the plane to head to the States... and one I prayed for a friend as a bridesmaid and she left for Canada. Simple but beautiful.