Sunday, November 27, 2005

my new man.....

Now..... since I've pretty much filled up my kitchen with cute, spicy and lovely smelling men.....

It's time to start icing!!!

Hopefully I'll have a pic later of how they turn out.

(all flatmates have run away, and I was hoping ben would be showing up today, after his huge 5 weeks of intrepid journeys... he's gotta want my company again by now, surely? and to be around all of us? and to know that I'll cook? hehehe )


Mella said...

Mmmmmm...there's nothing like the smell of spicy gingerbread baking away! Enjoy! =)

Susanna Rose said...

SOOOO cute! Sounds yummelicious too!(=

Using up the words.... said...

Mella ~ the house did have that awesome festive smell to it this weekend. I'm glad I've got a week away so I don't need to contend with more cookies just yet though. :)
I almost went to grab the neighbours kids to see if they wanted to help... felt guilty having all this fun and no kids around to enjoy it.
Take care, you.

Susanna ~ They are scrummy!! I hope that everyone likes them and doesn't give me strange looks. hehehe.

TaB said...

hehe you nut bar
Just a suzie homemaker aren’t you, perfectly sculpted gingery hairdo men. mine always crumble or lose an arm nibble nibble hehe

Marc said...

That is one handsome looking gingergread man. He'll have to fight off all the gingerbread women with a toothpick.


Using up the words.... said...

Tab ~ you so know I would love nothing more than to "make home" hehe. Seriously... give me the backpackers and people galour to cook for, and I'd be a happy camper. :)

J-M ~ So awesome to have you stop by. Think the men had more problems keeping the nibbling at bay, and no, not from any ginger ladies. Next batch on their way.