Saturday, October 15, 2005

home again - jigidy jig

About to go shower and then run up the hill for my morning away. Action packed day with people... and while Ains did say she wanted to come up with me... there has been no sign of her yet this morning, and I'm ready to bolt.
Off to a BBQ lunch at a friends parents place. Should be interesting. haha. And then University end of year fancy dinner. Want to go along and catch up with people before they all take off for the summer. Will be nice to just head along and hear what's been going on with the campus group over the year too! I'm bummed that I haven't been able to be more involved.
Just uploaded some pics of the latest trip around. Will put the rest of them up on the link later - though probably won't happen till tomorrow.
Head away again on Monday, so I'm sure I'll catch some more then.
Meanwhile... of all the pics - the most important was the one for Tabby! hehe. I laughed outloud when I saw it. Shame it was closed, otherwise I would have dashed in to look for a hobbit for you. I thought it was cute anyway.
While I was staying in Dunedin I actually got to talk to Shane.... amazingly long and heartfelt conversation. I didn't sleep afterwards, with my brain thinking through all that was said. It was good though. Now... it would seem I'm going to be held accountable to him for some of the things that were talked about. You know that whole so good, and yet, so bad kind of situation! hehe. Oh well. He's still thinking about heading down here Labour weekend - but lets face it, how long have I been waiting for him to get down here?! Silly boy!

Right.... I'll get back to this later.

Cloudy and murky day here..... hope the sun is on out on the other side!



Jenny said...

The sun's out and in full force on this lovely Autumn day. The best day weather-wise we've had in about a month or better. Just when I put all of my short pants away, too! Oh well. I am sure it will be chilly and rainy again tomorrow.

For now, the sun is shining and the sky is blue, there's low humidity which means my hair isn't too terribly frizzy, and the cornstalks are drying, the leaves are turning and we may go to a pumpking patch yet this evening!


Take care!

Using up the words.... said...

WOW.... sounds perfect! You'll have to grab some photos for me to see. :)
Breakfast was super yummy, andthe view of the mountains was inspiring. I love sitting up there, and just getting to see the light change the view. There is still loads of snow up there, and the light danced its way over it.

Hope you found some big pumpkins! I still need to make a pumpkin pie for my flatmates to try. How I miss Fall in North America! :) hehe


Neo said...

UUTW- Greetz from Philadelphia PA. USA!

Thanks for the comment on my blog. I have another NZ blogger on my site. Maybe you know him, Kiwi?
