Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Just got a txt from brother Tamati to tell me that Tessa has started contractions. Yes, baby Evita Mary is on the way.

Meanwhile... I'm also waiting for my phone to ring regarding the last bit of madness to go down. Hopefully I'll have lots of news to share soon.

For now... the PPP of last week. Mum and I went exploring. There is a stunning walk following a stream to the spring where it all starts. We didn't quite get to the end - since it was going to get dark, but we walked for a good few hours, and the colours were fantastic.

I want to try and kayak it later in summer, and just see how far you can go. It just happens to be the same stream that is the boundry of a peice of land that I think would be the most perfect location for a backpackers! Anyone any good at drawing up business plans? It's about time I got serious about figuring out how I'm meant to do this.

Wanted to say a HUGE thanks for all the gorgeous and encouraging words you've left me. I so appreciate it and all your prayers. I know God is putting me where I need to be, and I need to trust that.
I came up with an anology today as I was driving through the country side.... there were a bunch of trees still clinging onto the winter leaves, all dried up and brown while others are starting to show off this seasons new green. We can be that way in life. We can cling on to things of the past - the dried up and dead parts of our life... which in turn means that we can't start to sprout the new leaves - the new things in our life. God only has the best planned - but can't force us to let go of the dead leaves. Instead we have the free will to decide. Will we hold onto the old, or spring into the new? My old flatmate used to talk about loping off the apple... getting rid of the bad fruit in our life. God likes to prune us, just as we do fruit trees so that we can produce a plentiful harvest of the best. Why would we not want that?

Just me pondering and realising. Spring is here... and I pray for an awesome harvest!


Anonymous said...

CJ you are so amazing and inspiring!!!

I've had a couple of days off work this week and in driving to and fro, have noticed that the Autumn leaves are in full colour. Things here are winding down for the warm weather, and just beginning anew for you.

And the bit you said about clinging to dead things when God is trying to get us to let go so he can bless us some more... that's so true.

God bless you sweet Lady!!!!

mreddie said...

Good to hear from you again and you seem to have your head on straight concerning waiting on the Lord - most times that is not a happy thing to do. Hope the soon to come news is good for you. ec