Tuesday, June 06, 2006

this morning....

I called my boss and I resigned.

Yes.... this is it.

So... let the job applications start to fly out the door now, and let the interviews begin.

It is a new season!


mreddie said...

Here is an interesting quote that seems to somewhat apply to your situation. “All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.” Anatole France. And another from scripture that you probably already know. “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Keep us posted. ec

Jenny said...

I like that one, Mr Eddie. It's calming when you're in the midst of a storm, or don't know which end is up, or aren't sure how it will EVER get back to good again.

****hugs**** for you my friend. I am praying for you on the job front.

Using up the words.... said...

Mr Eddie ~

You know what, for the last 2 days, everywhere I've turned I've been hit by that scripture. (Romans 8:28) I had read it the day before, someone mentioned it to me, you've mentioned it, it was in a bible study I read, and also a sermon I was listening to this morning.

I get the feeling that this could be God's way of telling me something. ;) His way of doing the sky writing that I often ask for.

Thanks for sharing!

Jayleigh ~ I so appreciate you, and all your prayers. I know that He has a plan and purpose for my life, and the desires of my heart are known.... all in His timing. :)
*hugs* back at you, sweetie.

Snaggle Tooth said...

Wow, CJ! It's strange a similar thing happened in my life this week, (but it's not on my blog) I've been forced into a bit of a work change myself.
Change needed, but it's kinda scary jumping off- even knowing that the angels won't drop me. You're still in my daily petitions.

Mr Eddie, that's a perfect qoute for me this week as well, thanks!