Wednesday, March 15, 2006

in a cafe

Crystal clear blue sky..... that real crisp air all about.... and I just know autumn is here!

So looking forward to the drive today. The scenery is stunning, and I think I may be falling for the countryside here. I really do encourage people to come over here and find me. hehehe.

So... it will be a long day of driving, meeting people in between, and ending up in Invercargill - which does very little for me, as a place, but a good spot to lie my head down. And the next night.... my favourite patch - Arrowtown.

Will try and snap some pics along the way.

Hope everyone is smiling away.

God bless everyone's sox off!


mreddie said...

Looking forward to seeing the photos and as for the smile, it mostly stays right there - the joy of the Lord, you know. You sound like you are smiling as well, at least on the inside. ec

Neo said...

CJ - Have a safe and Happy St. Patrick's Day.

Have a great weekend.

Peace & Hugs,

- Neo