Saturday, January 07, 2006


We decided to put the three "Ladies" in chairs up the front. Royal, huh. hehehe. They realised afterwards that we were giving them the "Old" look. When mum saw the picture though, she liked it!


Bar L. said...


Great photo! What a diverse and fun looking group of people!!!!

Using up the words.... said...

Well Woman ~ hehehe! Was just thinking about all the different nationalities we had there this Christmas; Norwegian, South African, Singaporian, English, Canadian, Maori and Kiwi. Pretty good variety. Wonder who will end up marrying the next foreigner?
We are pretty fun - if I do say so myself. :) hehe

mreddie said...

Quite a clan there! For some reason I relate smiles and laughter with my family and that seems to be the case here as well. ec

TaB said...

Okay it needs to be said, is this the new crew for Survivor NZ? Hehe

Neo said...

CJ -Wow, it looks warm there!